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Cedarshakes , 24 Dec 2023

Im new here and need help!

Hi this is my first post so Im sorry if this has been asked before! 

Im just looking for effective preventative measures some other folks take? Im pretty sure I have dermatillomania, I have a pretty bad compulsions when it comes to my fingers and destroying my skin, I do this daily: consciously and subconsciously. I occasionally pick my face skin and other places when im in an “episode.” 

Ive tried talking to my doctor but unfortunately I live in an area where hospitals are understaffed and underfunded so theres not many resources in that area. But Id love some suggestions to help prevent further picking. I know many fidgets toys help a minor bit, but im open to trying anything out. 

Thank you! 

4 Answers
December 30, 2023


Welcome, we are so pleased to have you here!

I'm sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing with your skin picking. It can be tough when resources are limited, but there are other ways to manage your skin picking. Fidget toys are a great start. FYI, Skinpick is having a webinar on the 24th January on all things fidgets.

Have you tried creating barriers like wearing gloves or using adhesive bandages on the fingertips to make picking more difficult? Keeping your hands busy with activities like drawing, knitting, or playing an instrument might also help redirect the urge. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and deep breathing exercises can assist in managing the impulse to pick.

I'd also encourage you to join online communities or attend webinars that discuss strategies for managing skin picking.

I'd highly recommend considering therapy as it can help minimize the urges and provide effective tools to manage skin picking behaviors. Our program offers unlimited access to therapists specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Habit Reversal Training (HRT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness, and various other techniques tailored specifically for body-focused repetitive behaviors.

Having a therapist who understands and specializes in these areas can provide invaluable support and guidance. They can assist in developing personalized strategies to cope with the urges, identify triggers, and work towards reducing skin picking episodes. If interested, our program offers a supportive environment to explore these techniques further and connect you with therapists who can assist you on your journey to managing dermatillomania.

Wishing you well on your healing journey. All the best.

August 11, 2024

Hi Cedarshakes,

I have been battling a skin picking disorder for 35 years.   It began as a result from the stress I was dealing with by being bullied in school and facing discrimination and rejection because I have learning disabilities.  

I have been trying for years to stop with numerous attempts.   I even went as long as a year without picking.  I thought I had iit beat until I had a major relapse and I have been battling it ever since.

I watched a YouTube video on how to stop and the counselor said, "Find a reason why you want to stop.". My reason is my family.   My parents are elderly and are just starting to need more help.  I want to completely be there for them without this disorder being an issue.  

I also want to do it for me.  I'm now middle aged.  I want to enjoy the rest of my life free from this burden.   

I have found success with mindfulness exercises iincluding deep breathing, watching the Naturescape channel which shows scenes of nature 24/7 and spending time with my puppy.  I also enjoy watching virtual walking tours on Youtube.  Plus I have discovered when I am writing - which is my career - I am more mindful.

I am going to add these activities more into my life because I feel -along with the help of my faith - I will be able to finally conquer this.


September 11, 2024

Hello AR1995,

Thank you for sharing your journey so openly. It’s clear that you’ve been through so much, and your perseverance really stands out. The fact that you’ve found things like mindfulness, nature, and your writing to help you stay present shows how deeply you’re working on this.

It’s meaningful that you’re doing this not only for your family but for yourself too. Your reasons for wanting to move forward are powerful, and I can see how much thought you’ve put into it. Even when setbacks happen, the effort and care you’re putting into this process matter.

I hope you continue to find those moments of peace and strength in the things that bring you calm and focus. You’re making real strides, and that deserves recognition.

You are not alone; we are here for you. 

Wishing you all the best.

September 18, 2024

You are definitely not the only picker. I thought it was just me picking here, there, and everywhere. After picking at acne and causing big, ugly wounds on my face I started picking the inside of my ears, nose, scalp.  I’ve been able to quit the picking by applying Vaseline. For me, picking doesn’t give me satisfaction if it’s moist.  As soon as I stop applying Vaseline dries out I’m back to picking.   I’ve seen a few articles of late urging people to not pick their face because any kind of infection can easily transfer to the brain.  Scary and a good  incentive to stop the insanity of this damaging compulsion. 

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