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Newbie, needing help!
Picking my skin has always been something I remember doing from about 14 years old onwards (I am now 21). It has gotten worse and worse every year to the point where I can not remember being happy with my skin or not have a blemish for the past 12 months. Not only has the degree of picking got worse, the areas I pick have grown.
I had no idea until visiting a clairvoyant who said I had quite bad anxiety issues and doing my own internet research, that I even had a problem, how common this is, and how similar every story I read on the website is to mine.
On one hand it scares me but on the other gives me confidence that this is an actual disorder, and is curable.
What started off as squeezing black heads on my nose, moved to my chin, my back, bikini line, under arms and now my latest area my shoulders and top of my arms (I feel physically ill listing this).
I have also begun to use a needle to extract ingrown hairs and blocked pores.
What was once an invisible bump on my skin is now a open wound that will scar to a dark mark (as my olive skin is quick to produce pigmentation).
I am now left with dark pigmentation marks on my face, underarms, shoulders, back and bikini line :(
I can see how the larger degree of my picking correlates with traumatic experiences in my life. Break ups/weight gain/loss of direction. And I have also noticed that I’m a very anxious person and have a mind that buzzes 24/7- which now eats into my sleep and drives me insane sometimes.
Many of you on this forum share with me the same life story, feelings, emotions, regret, attitude to change, and a common want of having beautiful skin and feeling normal again.
The point to this post is that I as a newbie (and who has just turned to bed after a 2 hour stint of picking) need some positive encouragement and advice!
It is never too late to change, and I’m prepared to take tonight as my very first step in the journey to stop picking my skin ☺
This is not something I feel comfortable talking to anyone I know about- my best friend is model (go figure). But I feel so comfortable to post this publicly here- I have never done anything like this before. Please help!
In reply to Hi there - it seems that by will_power