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This is an advert i found about a new show the bbc are going to do on people with health problems.
I was thinking if a picker from the UK is brave enough to go on this show and show the people of UK about skin picking it would do a huge amount to raise awareness,
as in the uk no-one really knows about it except the people that have it, so even when we do tell the doctors and councellers about it they dont know what we are talking about it (something that happened to me, I told my doctor, and he reffered me to a dermatoligist, which i didnt even bother to follow up as i know it wont help. and when i told a councellor i was seeing, they basically said it wasnt really a problem that needed concentrating on. it made me feel really humiliated and i havnt felt able to try to talk to another councellor about it now)
I would apply to the show myself, but i cannot face it. I dont know if i would have, but maybe i would have applied if i wernt 8 months pregnant.
Anyone that could do this though would be such a hero to all the sufferers in the UK
Are you or your husband, son, or father suffering from a health condition?
Is this condition affecting the way you look?
Do you want specialist treatment?
Maverick Television, makers of Embarrassing Bodies are producing a new health show for BBC One.
If you would like to see a leading medical specialist for treatment then please get in touch.
Please apply now with a detailed description of your health problem, photos, plus your contact details.
Phone Number: 0207 874 6660
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