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chocodog333 , 20 Dec 2010

Is anyone here around 13 yrs old?

Hi I'm 13 and was just wondering if anyone else here is around my age? Tell me about yourself! I know what you are going through!
6 Answers
January 03, 2011
Hi I'm 14 and i'm new.... i never felt good about my self : ( I have a few symptoms that I feel safe to share. I pick at my self ( mostly legs) but knowing i would scar. I always ashamed at the end. I feel as if some one is controling me, and that i'm telling my self to stop but my body is fighting me. at that point I give in :( I go back to picking my self. I feel so lonely and one of the hardest parts of our life is becoming a teenager. I remember playing with friends that really didn't care if you had scabs... just as long as they had fun. Now my life is all about how I looked. I'm a cheerleader and i'm also a Top ( the girl in the air) and i would go to practice worryed and some time scared about what the other girls would think about me. Being a Top they want you to show up at practice in shorts.... but my legs ... I wouldn't wear shorts at all. I would come to practice in pants, and say " its to cold to wear shorts". The girls on the team like resent me :( I worry about my life and i'm scared that i might hurt my self again :( I never really talked about my symptom to anyone before I have been suffering, and keeping my feeling to my self. Its time to let them out !!! :)
January 08, 2011

In reply to by chocodog333

Well i did in one point in my life when i was a baby.. like 3 years old then movie to LA... Now Canada, but i have to admit that that their are alot of like good Doctors like every were. I just dont feel confritable you know? its like soo weird to like talk to a Doctor... i like how i can here from other peoples stories and to know that im not alone :)
January 13, 2011

In reply to by Juby101

Hey we should be facebook friends. Don't worry, I really am 13, well actually I just turned 14. But anyway it would help to just see someone else who does this, you know?
January 14, 2011

In reply to by Juby101

Hi, I'm much older than you but I remember how I felt at your age and started picking my face at around that time in my like. I know it's really hard to talk to a doctor, but do try...maybe you could printoff some bits from this site and just give it to the doctor so you don't have to do too much explaining. Good luck in stopping - I'm sure you cna do it with a bit of support. It's great you're aware of it and know your not alone. reading other peoples stories helps me loads too!
January 15, 2011
Hi. I'm 15 years old. I think that age doesn't matter. We are here because of this problem that we have. We have the same. I think that everyone will understand what you're felling. I'm happy for you (: You discovered this with 13 years old, and I did just on this week. I'm from Portugal. I don't know anyone from my country who has this type of disorder. I'm against this almost for seven years and, for give me hope, I believe that this, one day, won't be a problem. Until there, you have to love yourself no matter what. Everyone is different. Find it inside of your heart (:

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