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The things I hate
I hate when i can feel one individual bump on my skin and i obsess over that tiny spot
I hate when the lotion dries and my skin is left dry and scabby
I hate always knowing where the scars and pimples are, talking to people from one side of my face just so no one can see it.
I hate putting on cover up
I hate skin makeup all together, id LOVE to go a day without it.
I hate when i make the big mistake of ripping the skin off and im left sore and red
I hate when the sore lasts longer than a week from it getting picked and re-scabbed over.
I hate when people notice the problem.
I hate feeling my rough fingers and cuticles, and my stubby my nails so short they ache
I hate the stares from other people
I mostly ENVY other girls that have perfect skin, nails, fingers; they don't need to worry about how their face looks each day.
THAT is why Im trying so hard to do this challenge. The picking stops now!
Does anyone else have such big annoyances as me? Although i hate all those things, i sure love a good day when my skin is smooth and blemish-free.
January 23, 2011
i can relate to talking from your "good side", to hide bumps, and i would love nothing more than to go w/o foundation, thats my goal. we can do this!!!!
January 23, 2011
i am so with you...matter of fact i could have written the same thing...i have tried so many ways to stop...and have better days...but it just is a never ending process..
January 23, 2011
i am so with you...matter of fact i could have written the same thing...i have tried so many ways to stop...and have better days...but it just is a never ending process..
January 23, 2011
i am so with you...matter of fact i could have written the same thing...i have tried so many ways to stop...and have better days...but it just is a never ending process..