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I'm 19 years old and have been picking at my zits and scabs since I can remember. When I was in middle school I had a lot of face acne and I would constantly pick at it. Luckily I've moved away from my face to other areas of my body, but I still can't manage to stop. Some people on this forum mentioned that they go through phases of picking or not picking and that worried me. I don't have those phases. I pick consistently all the time. People also mentioned feelings of stress relief while picking, and I also don't feel that. I feel humiliated and disgusted the entire time I'm picking and feel even worse afterward.
Recently I had a bout of scabies that I got from my boyfriend and his roommate and, while it was embarrassing to have scabies, I was thrilled to finally have an excuse to be scratching and to have people close to me unable to control picking their skin. Of course, we've all been treated for scabies and I'm still picking.
The more I learn about this disease the more depressed I become. I hear personal testimonies from people in their 30's and 40's and this leads me to think I'll never get better. I'm miserable. My friends think I'm anorexic or that I cut myself or something because I never let anyone see my body. I almost want to go to live on some icy tundra where I can always be bundled up and won't have to deal with mosquitoes, which obviously make picking worse. I don't know what to do.
In reply to I'm nineteen, and nearly by MsBlueSky