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Does anyone know how to get rid of scars? I have them everywhere, legs, arms, chest, back. I want to have healthy skin once again.
March 14, 2011
kelocote scar gel.
i swear by this stuff.
i have a small tube as i mostly just have scars and dark spots on my face but if you look on the website, they have sprays as well that can cover larger portions of the body.
seriously, this is the best stuff my dermatologist ever recommended.
March 14, 2011
Aloe vera lotion. I use Aubrey organics pure Aloe vera. Great for healing/moisturising skin. Green tea also (let it cool-dab with cotton wool-leave on for 15 mins) ,mashed banana and the skin of the banana-helps healing and regeneration of skin. But stay away from products with chemicals in.
March 15, 2011
Thanks I will have to try that.