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videographer , 18 Apr 2011

Have you ever desired a relationship with another "picker"?

I'll admit - I've had thoughts about finding a girl who's a skin picker who I could share my wicked pleasure with. Fortunately, those desires have mostly subsided, as my skin has been slowly improving over the last few months, which I credit to healthier eating habits and especially drinking lots of water. However, along side of those "wicked" desires has always been a strong desire to help others with the same problem as me. I've definitely not defeated dermatillomania, but I have made great strides against it and would really like to meet someone that I can share an understanding of the condition with as well as help and support. Anybody else have similar thoughts? Please comment.
1 Answer
April 26, 2011
It's only natural to want to be close to someone else who understands, isn't it? I've been in a relationship since before it even crossed my mind that my skin picking was a problem, so I can't say I've really wanted someone who does it too. However, my boyfriend is incredibly supportive about it. He picked for a while when he was young, but stopped pretty quickly and easily. While it was never a problem for him the way it is for me, you'd never guess by the advice he gives. If I wasn't with him, I probably would have wanted the exact same thing you do, and the exact same thing I have now: someone who understands.

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