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Day 5 of 21- Today's been hard...
I woke up this morning not feeling very well. Needless to say, this didn't help much with maintaining self-control. I still haven't picked at my face, but I wanted to SO BADLY! I hate that I feel so weak :( I had to focus all of my extra energy (which wasn't much) into avoiding something that has felt so natural to me for so long now. Why does the urge to pick my face feel so much stronger when I'm sick and/or not feeling well? You would think that would be the last thing on my mind, but instead, it was the first. Maybe it's b/c I feel like crap and a subconscious part of me thinks that my outside should portray whatever I'm feeling on the inside. Wow, that's the second, most honest thing I've admitted to myself in a really long time (the first being that I have a disorder and I need help). Today was rough and I honestly can't wait for it to be over. I HATE feeling like I could slip at any given moment. Day 5 is almost over and I've made it through with NO PICKING. Tomorrow's day 6 and I hope I can wake up in good spirits, ready to take on the day. I HAVE to beat this! I WON'T let it beat me! I'll end this post with the motivational words my fiance left for me on our bathroom mirror before heading off to work: Day 5- I cannot wait to see your beautiful face after work!!! XOXO (Without his love and support, I don't think I could've ever made it this far.) Thank you for taking the time to read and for all of the comments and support I've received thus far. X
In reply to Don’t give up! A lot of by Mary_A