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How Compulsive Picking Affects My Life
Because I pick my skin compulsively, it is very hard to be intimate and open with others. I can hardley relax and truly be myself, I can't let others see me without makeup, and I've hurt the people closest to me. I don't like having this thing, and I really need to share. Thank you for being here. <3
April 26, 2011
I understand. The thing in your post that hit home the most is how you said you've hurt others. I stopped for a while, but I had a breakdown last week and started again. Before I did it, I thought of my boyfriend, and how upset and disappointed he would be. I knew it would hurt him, and I did it anyways. I still can't believe I did that, but here I am unable to stop again. I just want you to know, you're not alone here. Best of luck to you.