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ryanemily22 , 17 May 2011

New to the Forum

Hi, I am 28 years old and have been picking since high school but since getting out of the Navy and gaining 50 pounds in 2 years my picking has been out of control. I have been to therapists and nothing has worked. I am married and my husband is really upset that I pick and doesnt understand that I can just stop. I am starting a skin picking group Thursday to be around others that have the same issue and I am going to get the book from this website. I pick at all times and usually pick my face, shoulders, chest, and really anywhere I find imperfections. I use alot of skin care products to hide the scars and I want to have a baby soon but I dont want to be like this as a mom since I know my mom picks also but more in the center of her hands. I am here to hopefully learn new tips on how to stop and share my thoughts and feelings. I feel guilty and ashamed that I pick. I am working out with a trainer and I eat pretty healthy (no junk food) so I am hoping that helps it also. Thanks for reading! Ryan
3 Answers
May 18, 2011
I am new to the forum as well. I have been picking for almost 20 years. I am 37 and i just cant stop. I do the same things as you, any little bump anywhere on my skin, has to be picked, and then the scab has to be picked, and then the scar...its awful. I hate this. The worst part is that my son is 13 and he has acne pretty bad, well, it wouldnt be as bad if i would stop picking at his face. This used to be only my problem, now its a problem for my son cause i cant leave his face or back or arms alone...i feel so bad cause i dont do it on purpose..its like i HAVE to pick. When he gets home from school, the first thing i do is look to see if there are any new pimples on his face, and if so, i have to pick them. He is mentally about 4 or 5 so he lets me pick them...but i hate it!!! I have seen other forums before but havent ever got replys back, and have never met anyone who picks like i do. My mom had a disorder where she would pull her hair out, piece by piece...i think i got the disorder from her, but its with my skin instead. Well, hopefully we can be of support to each other...cause it would be so nice to talk w/someone else who does this!!
May 18, 2011

In reply to by Amanda37

I used to pick my husband but he would get really mad and so I stopped. Have you ever thought of what might have triggered your picking? I heard SSRI anti-depressents help. I have been on one for a year but i think i need to up my dosage. What kinds of things do you try and do to stop or limit the picking? I am trying to lose weight to make myself feel better about my self confidence. I have lost 16 pounds so far but I want to lose at least 40 more. Its so mentally draining isnt it? Not only does it hurt you mentally but also physically. I am trying to learn as much as i can in order to make myself more aware. I went to and that has alot of information. Let me know what you think. Ryan
May 19, 2011
I'm new too. Many, various issues. X Stay strong, Hevskitronic

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