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Can't stop...
For as long as I can remember, I've been a complusive picker. Anything was fair game, but most notably scabs when I was a kid. I would pick and pick at scabs and they would never heal. I still at the age of 29 can't stop myself, even though I know it's scarring my skin and a great way to get infections.
I also pick at my cuticles and nails, but the targets of most of my picking are my feet. I pull off all the skin on the soles of my feet and with that comes a great sense of relief. Except, more often then not, I find myself limping around, since the skin on the soles of my feet is totally raw and bleeding. My boyfriend thinks its disgusting (which it is) and can't handle the constant picking. Any body have any tips on how to stop?
In reply to Serene29 I just turned 30 by Jamie_Lynn