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Been reading many of your posts and I thank all of you for being brave enough to discus this (oh so personal) and distructive behavior. I see many of you started doing this when you were very young.
I am in my mid 60's and just started doing this about 2 years ago. Is anyone else out there my age and suffering too?
I pick my back, my buttox (checks), my arms & my legs. I now have scar tissue and painful open wounds and I feel like I am going crazy and my head is spinnning from the pain.
I don't want to blame anyone or anything in particular for my DERMATILLOMANIA...I finally found a name for it, thanks to this website!!! I only know I don't want to do it anymore and I have seen my family doctor who suggested hypnothreapy (have not secheduled me yet,) and Xanax which makes me feel like a craier person then I am.
I'd love to chat with anyone who wants a friend-I know I def need a few myself!
The thoughts of this disease being with me for the rest of my life is so painful. I am a good clean person who you'd never think would have "this secret."
Thank you.
In reply to Hi and welcome :) I am in my by Realitysucks
In reply to Hi CA. First of all, thank by MICRAZY
In reply to I have been picking as long by Realitysucks
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