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Scab picking
I hope I'm in the right place, but I'm afraid I may be the sickest kitty in the litter. I've been picking (and eating) scabs for as long as I can remember. I've read that for most people it starts in their teens but I know I was doing it much earlier than that. I have some (embarrassing) questions I'd like to ask.
One, do any of you ever give yourselves abrasions in order to get a scab to pick? I know some pickers are also cutters, but I'm talking about giving oneself a wound specifically so it will scab over for picking. I'm also absolutely certain that my addiction to scab picking is somehow related to my sexual behavior. I'm not exactly sure how to explain that but it's true in my case. Is that unheard of? Also, whenever I've had stitches for any reason, I've also found it very hard to leave those alone. Is that true for any of you or am I just sicker than most?
In reply to Hi hope your well, why do by smiler