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Need to confess
I've spent the last 15 years struggling with this urge to pick at my acne. Truth is that my skin would be beautiful if I didn't mutilate it. I know it's wrong to pick at my skin and I've managed to keep it hidden by only picking at my shoulders and back. But I think I've been trying to hide it for so long that I have been keeping myself from admitting the truth. I have a problem and it's my responsibility to fight it. As long as I excuse myself by saying "I just have bad acne" or tell my husband that I scratch in my sleep, I fail to take ownership and continue to placate myself as the victim. It's like I'm in an abusive relationship, only I am the abuser as well as the abused. I'm so tired of this. I want to be able to swim without embarrassment and not limit my wardrobe selection to items with sleeves. More than anything I want to be the beautiful wife that my husband deserves. I'm finally taking the first step and admitting I have a problem. I'm not comfortable enough to admit this to my friends or family, but I feel that I must confess this to someone. So if you are reading this, thank you! This is my confession... My first step towards healing.
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