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scalp picking
So this all started when I had a mole removed from my scalp by my dermatologist, he said this is going to form a big scab on your head so try not to pick at it. Great so as you can probably imagine once the scab formed all I wanted to do was pick at it. Now many months later I have scabs all over my scalp because I will feel something that I guess is buildup and pick it until it becomes a scab. It has gotten so bad I think my hair is even starting to thin out because of how irritated it is. I really need to stop and I would love anyones advice/experience.
are there any kind of shampoos/treatments that you have found that help them to heal (I've put neosporin on them but it makes my hair greasy)
any suggestions to help me quit this disgusting habit?
November 16, 2011
My scalp is a mess right now. I usually get started on it if I don't wash my hair for a day and get a little build up. Scalpicin on the individual spots and coal tar shampoo (like Neutrogena T-gel) helps it heal up a lot faster.