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Miri , 01 Jan 2012

New years!

Well it's new years day and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has decided for the umpteenth time that today will be a new beginning, that today the picking will stop. This time I am taking a new approach - I got gel nails (HAH... I know, I know). My though process with it is: I will disarm my weapon of choice creating a barrier between wanting to pick and actually being able to do so. I understand that this is a topical solution but I equate it to kids having their thumbs wrapped in gauze at night to discourage them from sucking. I figure having this barrier will give me that crucial few seconds to recognize my triggers more acutely, keep my attention on the present rather than getting lost in the compulsion, and allow me to face the underlying anxiety rather than being able to give into the compulsion. I feel a sense of guarded optimism. I know in my gut I can over come this, I just need to get a handle on the habit part of it and work out the emotional part of it simultaneously. I also think that because my picking tends to lean towards more of a twisted self-care act (apparently I'm wounded and this is how I show myself comfort) I though I may be able to replace it with something less disruptive and damaging. Here's to a new year, a new try, and hopefully some new results. I'd love to connect with some of the people on this form, there is nothing better than the support of people who are struggling with similar issues :)
15 Answers
January 01, 2012
30 minutes in and I am already feeling the anxiety build! I felt a little bump on my shoulder and knowing that I cannot pick at it throws me for a bit of a loop. It's going to be a long couple of days. Thank god my house is messy! I can busy myself with cleaning :/
January 01, 2012
Hi! It's awesome you're trying the gel nail technique, I've always wanted to see if that would help. As for starting on new years, I've done the same thing! I'm trying just by pure strong will and site support but- hopefully this will be the first time I make it through. I'm 21 and the most I've ever been successful was 4 days. I don't know if you've ever gotten that far, but the happiness on that 4th day was unbelievable. Then stress came around and I fell back in... but I'm determined to reach that happy feeling of accomplishment again. You and me both will win! :) Good luck!!
January 01, 2012

In reply to by caitlin90

As of late my average is two days of no picking and then without even really realizing it I am in front of the mirror again doing my worst.. The gel nails felt like a last ditch effort, I was totally reaching the end of my rope. I'm 24 and holy cow when I think about how many years I've been doing this it's a little shocking (about 12 years). Crazy that so much time and energy has been focused on picking, it's terrible. Do you have some "distractions" that will help you when the anxiety shows up? I'm excited to hear your progress! I will definitely keep posting on mine :) (yeay!)
January 02, 2012

In reply to by Miri

I'm trying to avoid my triggers. Nighttime and dry skin seem to be my triggers, so I constantly have to keep reminding myself not to pick or itch. A good 'distraction' would be this site, which is what I'm doing now haha. I've heard that it's good to have your hands busy, so I try and either write or do something else around the house. All we need to do is break the cycle and let our body get used to not picking, however long that takes haha.
January 01, 2012
I have been picking for almost six years. It started with a pimple or blackhead and then just got out of hand. I spend hours each day picking with tweezers, nippers and scissors on my face. I have also picked the back of my arms and a few times my legs. Each time I enter the bathroom and look in the magnifying mirror I tell myself I'm just going to look and not pick. No such thing! I found this site a few days ago and was shocked to see so many people with the same disorder. I am now so depressed to see that so many years have gone by for so many people without being able to stop; including me...
January 01, 2012

In reply to by hopeless6

It can be depressing to think about, but also consider that we have been doing it for all those years likely because we kept it secret and didn't reach out for help or support from people who can relate. Now that we have taken the initiative to find a community of support I think that the prospect of managing this disorder is wayyyyy more tangible. Chin up, there will be struggles I'm sure but keeping positive is key. If we get down on ourselves any more then it will just push us to pick.
January 02, 2012
This was my New Year’s resolution, I started picking when the clock struck 12 so I've failed. But I'm still determined to overcome this, trying to keep myself busy and not focus on my hands! Good luck everyone :)
January 02, 2012

In reply to by takecare

It is so hard. The hilarious looking gel nails I got have been working so far. Its a little torturous because I still catch myself feeling the bumps on my skin with my finger tips but can't really pick them. The good thing is it discourages me from touching my skin like that with the intent to pick. I hope we can all find the support we need. Don't give up hope, we all have an incredible capacity for change (even if you don't quite believe it after so many attempts) Sending my love to all of you.
January 04, 2012
I had a set back today, trying not to be too hard on myself.
January 04, 2012
I have also decided to kick this awful habit. Mind over matter. If people can quit heroin, we can do this. I have picking honestly since I don't know when. I remember having chickenpox when I was just 5 or so and still have scars from it. I don't know exactly where it stemmed from. I've always done it and I've always not liked what it has done to my face. Everyone tells me that I don't have acne, I just have scabs from what I myself do to my face. But I can always tell the black heads and the bumps and all of the little imperfections. I actually have never really tried to stop. I've always been in denial, that I was helping my face by picking off the imperfections, but thats a lie. I have decided that this year, I will no longer pick my face. I haven't since the new year but I know that once I get new zits it's going to be a lot harder to ignore. I have been prescribed retin- A micro and this is very good to have because once you feel a zit coming, you can just plop on some on the zits and it dries it off and it will peel off. I also find that putting on face masks and peeling those off help to satisfy the urge of picking. I'm a registered nurse and I think perhaps I should go into dermatology, perhaps that will satisfy the urge to pick and heal skin...
August 17, 2012
The mass amazing fraction closely the winter season is the winter's occasions. The time of Christmas is the best time when every one is indulged into the Christmas celebrations and party.
August 29, 2012
New Year motion is so good. It give you a good superiority mood to erect a ruling to vehicle a novel notch and possess the delight of see a big walk up to your person

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