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toomuchpressure , 19 Jan 2012


I keep reading about everyone who is making these commitments and you know, I really want to make one too! I feel like maybe if I post daily about how i'm doing, it will keep me motivated to keep doing better! I will start right now, but officially begin day 1 tomorrow of my week long commitment. If I can get through a week...I can get through longer! As of today, I have done alright...Only picked a few minor spots. I am home alone tonight making it harder, but I am going to do it! I have to promise to myself that there will be no more tonight! Wish me luck!! :)
235 Answers
February 04, 2012
day 17: even though i had a setback in the morning...i did well the rest of the day. I noticed that right before bed i tend to scan my face...need to fight this more! Had a really great chat with a friend yesterday about motivation...i feel more motivated now...duh! Im doing a show and i want to be able to not wear makeup to rehearsals and when i do wear makeup for the show, i want clear skin thats easily applicable. I can do this!
February 05, 2012
day 18! yesterday went pretty well! i scanned my face little bit but luckily only scratched at like 2 pimples! So happy. Heres to another good day!
February 05, 2012
Hey! I can see you are struggling! Where do you usualy do it and what kind of a mirror do you use?
February 06, 2012

In reply to by Basta

Oh am I! I covered up my bathroom mirrors and I have a long mirror in my bedroom...the lighting isn't as good as in the bathroom but i still do it there. Its always at night...when I'm by myself or supposed to be doing other things.
February 07, 2012

In reply to by Basta

You know what? You are so right! I was using it to do my makeup but I always end up using it for more. I will simply go downstairs when I need to do my makeup!!
February 07, 2012
Day 19/20 These days actually went pretty well. I took Basta's advice and moved the mirror out of my bedroom! Hooray. You know, my skin is breaking out a lot from natural reasons, but even so, when I don't pick it looks fine! I need to learn to accept my natural beauty! It's hard for me to leave the house without makeup because i am such a perfectionist and i can't handle the thought of people seeing me without makeup, but today i took a giant leap and left the house without anything on my face! hooray...I feel like I'm making some kind of progress...every little step counts i think. Life is such a mess right now and when my face is clear it just makes things so much easier! here's to a new day! :D
February 08, 2012
day 21 yesterday went alright. i still have that whole back scratching anxiety crap. Gotta stop doing that!
February 14, 2012
ALRIGHT! it was a long weekend. I was out of town. i did horribly...BUT! I am starting over. DAY ONE! all over again. I can do this...I can beat this. Here we go... DAY one begins on Valentine's day!
February 14, 2012

In reply to by toomuchpressure

Just wanted to say hi and add a word of encouragement. I just joined the forum and my first post (late last night) noted that Valentine's day will be my Day One too. I'm also going to try and post as I go so I look forward to reading your posts too. And hey, what better way to show love (for ourselves) on this holiday than to start a new offense against this crummy habit/disorder!
February 14, 2012
DAY ONE! Pick free...I will do this! I still have rehearsal tonight and a little time to spare. I think I might take a nap and I will definitely make sure my mirror is away from me!! It's time to get things done so I mustn't waste time picking!
February 15, 2012

In reply to by toomuchpressure

Hope your rehearsal goes well and that the night ends on a good note!! Also just posting to say that at 7pm my time, the next few hours are my danger zone, so I'm checking in beforehand to make myself a little more mindful of the challenge—and so I don't space out and just "find myself" picking before I know what's happened. Here's to changing into pajamas after applying my healing lotions & potions (on my bikini line and face) and keeping hands off through bedtime!
February 15, 2012

In reply to by valentine

You can do it! Nighttime is ALWAYS my worst enemy too! that is when pretty much all of my picking goes on..that time before bed is the worst! but lets make it the best! watch a favorite video online...paint your a book! and most importantly, stay away from the mirrors and keep your hands busy! I believe in you!
February 15, 2012
Day Two! I'm gonna make it count like yesterday! obviously I am still getting very antsy with my hands but I am trying so hard to keep them away from my face! I have a busy day and really no time for any dilly dallying picking so I am going to just work hard! Just read small steps post and it really inspired me! Here's to a new day! Let's all seize it!
February 17, 2012
Day 3! So yesterdaay was not perfect but it did not do a lot of damage. AND i consciously stopped myself after a little woot! So today is going pretty well! Im excited because my skin is actually clearing up and looking better! Hooray! hooray Hooray!
February 18, 2012
Day 4 yesterday went well! I was still antsy with my hands but I was with a good friend who was in town so it kept my mind off it! now today I picked a little but not a lot...i have work tonight and I'm hoping to keep my hands clear of my face afterwords!!!

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