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Chewing skin on/ around fingertips
This site amazed me and I have read many reports of skin chewing and find it interesting to talk about and just wondered if any of you have like the exact same finger chewing habits as I do?
When I was younger (12-17) it was worse. It started with biting the CUTICLES as sometimes there was a plump bit of skin at either side of my nails and I found it chewy
then it turned into ripping it off which would tear more of the skin down my finger or across ways so that I was eventually peeling LAYERS off my fingerprint area like an onion. The layers underneath had like, no fingerprint. I couldn't stop myself even when it bled and hurt!
Whenever I had a bath or shower or did the dishes, I noticed that the skin on my fingers became more plump and was even more irresistible to bite after it was wet! I was always rubbing my fingers together or across my lips to feel the rough bits to feel where to bite next.
Eventually I found a more efficient method (crazy) that didn't tear as much, I would use nail clippers to clip the skin of the cuticles off and chew it. At one point I even started doing the same with my toes, and when I was no longer flexible enough to lift my feet to my mouth I used the nail clippers.
When I chewed the skin it was always between the front teeth or maybe canines, and I would end up swallowing it afterwards. I did get some infections from this. It is weird because I have never ever bitten my nails, just the skin. I am 21 now and I don't do this much any more, though I have no clear memory of when or how I managed to stop. I think it was because I developed a different habit instead, which I have posted about in another thread. People at school were disgusted.
I like talking about the details of these habits because it makes me feel not alone and assured that we are definitely talking about the same thing.
February 01, 2012
me too. =/
February 14, 2012
Wow I too rub my fingers across my lips to see if it feels rough so I can take the skin off! I also use a nail clipper to take the skin off as it's much easier than picking the skin as I have no nails. I take all the skin off of my fingers across and around them ..I really want to stop however struggling to find a way to overcome this :/