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is it scalp picking???
Hello everyone, I just luckily stumbled onto this site and was wondering if you could help me out.
I have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp that flares up during the winter and when I'm stressed out. And if you don't know what that is, it's an inflammatory skin disorder which covers my scalp in flaky white patches and red skin (basically extreme dandruff). This happens every year, but this year I've been especially stressed out and have started to constantly pick these white flakes off of my scalp. Sometimes I sit in the bathroom and do this and 30 minutes flies by. Sometimes I pick so much on accident it starts to bleed in an area, but it really doesn't hurt. But I can't stand to see the flakes so I will pick them away, and I constantly rub my fingers in my hair feeling for them and pick at it if I feel it.
Would you consider this compulsive scalp picking?
In reply to Hi! I just found this site by Trinity