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susieland , 23 Mar 2012

Hi, I'm Susie......long time on again off again skin picking person.

Short version (hopefully)...i think i started tweezing at 13 maybe (brows, then few coarse hairs on chin).... fast forward....i'm 65. noticed that i didn't pick at skin or tweeze pimples etc overly much when i was a chain smoker (2.5 packs 30 years) and alcoholic (approx 30 yrs nightly then days too)....stopped both 17 1/2 years ago..... was always "with" someone ....husband, live in boyfriend.... so, these last 17 1/2 years (taking antidepressants, first to quit smoking, kept it up cuz it just helps me stay positive..) skin picking is worse now than ever...(no live-in,no roommate, no alcohol, drugs or smoking...) just qualified in jan for medicare and have some coverage for therapy (had lots and lots for allllll the other issues....agoraphobia, bulimia, smoke, drink, etc panic attacks.... but none in last 20, now the challenge is finding help (therapy) by a professional who is experienced/successful with skin pickers. (and that my insurance will cover)... in mean time, bought new jigsaw puzzle....put on large bulletin board so i can slide it under sofa when not working on it... got out knitting stuff.... that was four or five days ago......still prefer the mirror (tiny, i throw away large ones and magnified ones regularly. or course, then buy again, but not currently) and tweezers, with tv. that'sthis week. susie
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