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AngelSkin , 21 Apr 2012

a hypnosis download I found - it helped

Hi guys, there is a website called hypnosis downloads, and they have two downloads relevant to us. One is to stop skin picking, and the other is to stop popping zits (each are a few pounds /. dollars). I discovered them a few years ago, and if I listened once or twice a day (about 25 minutes each) it woud really really help with the absent minded compulsion to pick, and the urge to go to the mirror every five minutes. It wasnt foolproof and I drifted with my commitment, but it is a good start. Im no therapist and I dont know much about hypnosis, but if you are comfortable to give it a try let me know how it goes for you.
1 Answer
April 21, 2012
I just rechecked the website - they also have nail biting, hair pulling, eyelash pulling, excessive itching too.

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