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laribob , 06 May 2012

How did you do today?

I stopped myself today. I was picking and stopped to get on here and post something. What did you do today that you can credit yourself with? Did you stop yourself in mid pick? Every victory no matter how small is still a victory. Eventually these victories will add up and result in control of this pesky habit. Rather than focusing on the shame you feel that you picked, focus on how good it feels knowing that you STOPPED. We will all have our relapses and instances where we can't help ourselves (like the stress of caring for a 1 year old with a fever in my case) but as long as you don't let it get the better of you, you have taken a step in the right direction. So many of the posts on here are filled with shame and remorse and I think it's time for some light! Please comment back with your victories of the day(or week). “We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.” ― Santosh Kalwar
4 Answers
May 09, 2012
Thank you for your positive comment and the quote by Santosh Kalwar. I am going to post that all over my house! I had a terrible picking session last night and have been miserable ever since and this message has helped me feel better and inspired. I tend to hold a negative view on many things and this was just the message I needed. I am resolving to focus on my victories.
May 10, 2012

In reply to by Indie

I'm so glad my post gave you a positive kick in the pants ;-D I have found that when I beat myself up about picking it only makes things worse and makes me want to pick more. There is a continuous cycle that has to be broken and being hard on yourself isn't the way to do it. I have had a particularly hard week between a sick baby and a sick husband and have found that the stress is more bearable when I embrace it as an opportunity to work on coping in constructive ways instead of tearing up my arms. I wish you luck in your struggle to overcome this challenge.
May 10, 2012
a while ago i stopped picking for 10 days! then i had a relatively bad picking session, and then 7 more days of no picking. 2 days ago i picked at only 2 spots, and none since ! i really feel like i am beating my compulsion... finally (:
May 10, 2012

In reply to by skreed29

Way to go! I've been doing better as well. I used to not be able to go a day without picking but over the last week I have started practicing yoga again and meditating and I have found it to help. I may pick a couple of bumps every once in a while throughout the day but no longer feel the urge to pick until my arms are covered in scabs. Keep up the good work and stay positive! You can do it!

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