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6 days free..but those bumps are calling me...
I'm 28yrs old and I've been picking at pimples, blackheads, ingrown hairs wherever I can find them for as long as I can remember...probably started around age 13, but it's really not clear in my memory. I signed up on this site 6 days ago and I have not picked was easy at first. But now, four tiny little bright red dots popped up on my chest...and a nice sized one on my nose. And they seem to scream my name every time I look in the mirror. So I avoid the mirror...but you can't avoid it completly. And my old mindset tries to tell me that I need to release the the poor little things out. But I know that's not skin can heal itself.
My husband rightfully thinks this is just another short phase where I abstain for a short period of time before falling back into the old habit. But I'm sick of it. I'm ready to beat this once and for all.
So- how do I ignore those new bumps calling me? Anyone have some good strategies?
In reply to I don't really know... some by DawnSturgeon