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Want to help others, myself
I have had skin problems pretty much all my life but they erupted into full blown dermatillomania a few summers ago. My skin can get plain horrible or go long periods of time without causing much problems (with periodic medication), but my addiction is always there. I have always wanted to meet someone who also has this addiction and talk about the deep, ugly problems we share to help each other. There's this video on youtube of this Australian girl describing her dermatillomania and she breaks down crying describing how destructive it is to her skin and to her life. It's one of the saddest things I have ever seen and if I were to ever watch that video again I would probably break down and buy a ticket to Australia to watch her around the clock to stop her from damaging her skin. I've certainly not ever had it as bad as she has, but I can definitely relate to others with this condition and I would like to communicate with anybody who wants to talk to somebone about this horrible addiction. Feel free to email me: Kevin at
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