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Work isn't helping!
I was so motivated last night to STOP and to HEAL my face - complete with gentle soap, moisturizer, calamine, and neosporin. i only have maybe 5 smallish healing spots and got ready to be at least acceptable at work today. but where I work has these really bright fluorescent lights in the bathroom and it highlighted everything right through my makeup :( I picked and picked and I feel especially awful at work to walk out of the bathroom after a mysterious ten minutes and face all my co-workers. I know they must see the red splotches and it's obvious. and it's not like i don't have stuff to do! I can't afford to just zone out and pick away the workday. i eventually "snap out of it" and realize where i am and rush back out. at home it's getting better because i place all my skin care products near the mirrors in my home to distract myself to them instead of picking - not sure how to tackle this workplace thing... i know it sounds silly but any help i would appreciate! i feel like such a huge freak at work among everyone else who of course has flawless skin :(
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