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Picked for years but only just become aware of CSP. 1st post
I've been picking my skin for years, possibly decades. Mainly my face but actually nowhere is safe- fingers, arms, backs of legs, feet, back... About a month ago I came across the term dermatillomania and its definition- I couldn't believe how relevant this was to me. Like many other posters, I had no idea that this was actually a condition. This has caused me to become more self-aware and now that I realise the extent of the problem, it's quite scary.
Sometimes it's almost unconscious, e.g. I scratch my face whilst at work, I pick my fingers as I walk down the street or whilst watching TV. Other times it's a more drawn out and considered process. I will sit in front of the mirror and dig (yes dig) into my skin with a pair of sharp-ended tweezers.
Strangely, I'm not lacking in confidence when it comes to my looks, but it does cost me a fortune in creams to aid healing and make-up to cover up the damage I've done to myself.
It's time to stop. I don't want to have to go through the rest of my life like this. Recently I've been dealing with some issues resulting from the breakdown of my marriage, and I've learnt that everything is in MY control. I have been thinking positively and doing really well, I even picked up a spider recently after 25 years of being a massive arachnophobe... so why can't I control this? I can't let this beat me!
Steps I've taken so far are: having my eyebrows and upper lip threaded professionally so I don't need to sit in front of a mirror plucking my eyebrows (which inevitably leads to CSP); removing the magnified mirror from my bedroom; telling my boyfriend (whose fingers I also pick given half the chance); cutting my nails right down to the quick and putting plasters on both thumbs.
I'm already on anti-anxiety medication (for other issues- see above). What else can I do to beat this? Hypnosis? Any other ideas? Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated!
I'm hoping that today will be my first day on the path to recovery.
Thanks for reading. xo
In reply to Hi there. Sounds like by Picking-your-battles
In reply to hope2heal, I am on a by AmeliaRose