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kathryn_brown89 , 05 Nov 2012

I beat it!

I am just now finding out that there is a name for this condition. I am a 22 year old female and I used to pick at the bottoms of my feet all the time. I kept it secret and my family never knew about it (except my twin sister). I don't remember exactly how I stopped, but I do remember telling myself that I really need to stop. I didn't want my feet looking like that anymore and I wanted them to be healthy. I haven't picked at my skin for many years now and it's awesome. But every now and then, I do get the urge to start again. But in those moments, I will stop and tell myself to go do something else. So, I know it's possible to overcome this disease. It takes a lot of self control. I know you can do it too.
1 Answer
November 05, 2012
You are very lucky Kathryn. Most of us are not able to stop on our own.

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