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scalp picker
hi, i'm 15 and i pick my scalp subconsciously; its been going on for a while now, id say since i was ten maybe? i tend to pick my scalp until it bleeds and then pick the scabs etc. its a vicious cycle. i usually find my self doing it after a long space of time yet struggle to stop, its like an addiction. sometimes i put the skin that i have picked into my mouth but never eat it and i don't know why; i bite down on my jaw while i'm doing it aswell and my teeth and jaw are beginning to hurt because of it, i have noticed i feel quite anxious once i find myself picking. recently i have been picking off the hard skin on the bottom of my big toe and the dry skin off of my lips. im starting to worry whether this is a mental condition or if this picking can lead to something bigger/worse. i told my friend and he didn't believe that it was subconscious but i don't mean to do it, i just find myself doing it and carry on, im sorry im rambling. if anybody knows what the cause of this is, if i should stop or if this is a symptom of something bigger, please let me know. i would love to hear your stories if anybody is up for that? thank you
In reply to hi I have the same problem, by knkn