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Nose picking and eyebrow picking
Hi, I am new Here . I'm 25 and have been picking since i was 14. I pick on my nose mainly everyday with Tweezerman tweezers because they dig out my blackheads better since they are sharp. I then pick at the scabs until they leave my skin raw and a bleeding mess and then continue to pop more blackheads from the raw area. I also pick stray hairs under my eyebrows to the point of them bleeding and are raw and red and scabbed over. I want to stop but it seems like such a viscous cycle that never ends. I rarely go out anymore. Even just to the grocery store. I am getting married in June of this year and cannot have this going on. Even when i put my tweezers away and my magnifying mirror, i get so desperate to pick that i use my nails. I just wanted to share my story. I'm glad I'm not the only one. My fiancé doesn't understand what's wrong with me and constantly tells me to stop picking when i lock myself in the bathroom for hours at a time. He is currently going to school in boston while I am in California and he wants to skype but i refuse since my skin is so horrible. I am on zoloft and lamictal (for mood swings) and still pick. I wear tight gloves on at night because I actually pick and rub my skin all night long while asleep that when I wake up in the morning, I look like someone punched me. I have actually reached over in my sleep and started picking on my fiancés nose and he wakes up with scabs! He has to hold my arms down for a good part of the night when we are together because I rub my skin constantly. I also have a consistent scab behind my right ear that i itch and then pick the scab when it's healing. It is a lot of fun to see the skin come off and to feel it rip off. However, i have caused infections there because of this and get welts and swelling and oozing. So gross. I wish i could stop. I have done therapy too. It almost seems impossible to stop when i pick at night and don't even know it or I am so into it that even if I am half awake when i do it, i don't stop. It's like sleepwalking but it's sleep picking. Lol i even do it through my gloves if I don't take them off all together while still asleep. I know I have OCD since i was diagnosed with it a while back but I can't live like this anymore. I just wish I old stop picking at my nose since that is my constant picking zone. I also just got diagnosed with perioral dermatitis. Lucky me!
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