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fullhouse , 12 Apr 2013

Case Study needed for UK magazine

Hi all, I work for Full House! a national weekly women’s magazine and I was wondering if you could help me. We have a regular health page which includes a case study usually involving uncommon or unknown conditions to raise awareness. Would you be able to help me out with a case study involving dermatillomania? Could you kindly email me on Many thanks
1 Answer
April 14, 2013
Hello, I have been suffering from extreme ear picking since i was 5, (im now 23) but it has become darastically worse, no one gets it, even myself. I also suffer fom an ED, and ADHD. A long of abuse was placed on me as a child fom family, to my sons dad at the age of 17-19. I truly feel that i have gotten over the past, and im a great mom, a manager, but still this damn picking contols me., My sisters think its disgusting and im embarrassing them, i also do it while i work, drive, bathe, pretty much all the time, Obviously i have horrible hearing now, and its so damn paindul, but i cant stop. HELP

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