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how to heal open wounds
Hi, first I want to say thankyou to everyone for sharing, my heart goes out to you and I send you love. I started picking 15 years ago and the last five years stripping skin off my face with tweezers thinking I could fix the scab or get the hair I see.I have severe to me scarring, 13 open nickle size wounds on my face and have searched and tried erverything to heal them which I only seem to blister or scab.It has stopped my life,not wanting to go anywhere or even see my family.I have stopped using tweezers and feel very strong that I can stop the picking.Does anyone have advice on what products to use prescriptin or ovc,keep things moist or not,bandades?,or share that your skin actually healed and how long.I feel like I look like a monster , I'm scared,I'm so ashamed.I thankyou so much for being so kind to help.
In reply to hi im so glad i found this by sarah_jayde8
In reply to Hello everyone. I really by Heather1
In reply to Wow that's a really tough by healinghands
In reply to Thank you for responding. I by Heather1
In reply to Hmmm...yeah it's too sticky by healinghands
Hi, I have just joined. I have been picking my lip since I was 9/10 years old and I am 18 years old know. This happens every time I get dry lips. I picked my lips a lot yesterday and now I sort of have a scab on lips where I picked it's not a scab like one a person get's on their face but a different kind. The scab is skin but it is very dark ad quite red. I was wondering how to heal it quickly beacause I don't want my mum to find out.
Okay so I recently picked the scab off my wound and I'm guessing it wasn't ready yet because I was left a with red, raw skin patch which was also oozing clear liquid. So all I've done is put neosporin on it but I need it to heal fast since I have upcoming events. I also tried calamine lotion but it started burning so I quickly took it off. what else can I do to make it heal faster?? How can I keep a scab from forming? or How can I make the scab fall off faster once it does form?? Please HElp.
I have had problems with skin lesions on my chin. Start out like hard pimples that don't pop, then morph into large lesions, scaling, small round thread like things that can be pulled out and then bleed. Been seeing seem, tried everything, nothing helps. Just got some ByeBye Foundation CC cream to cover, and it is healing them! Amazing stuff, I think anyone with this problem might want to give it a try!
I put the cc cream on open, oozing lesion and by next day, much better. It says not to, but it actually helps. And covers it nicely as well! I was using Bare Minerals Bareskin serum foundation, and it helped some. But this cc cream is dramatically better!!! So thrilled I have found an answer! Wanted to share immediately because I know personally what a horrible thing this is. I have hid inside my home from embarrassment for weeks due to these things, depressed and sad. Please try and let me know. Oh, and washing my face with Dove soap and water. Instead of picking scab and dry skin, I wipe area with alcohol pad and let dry. Then apply cc cream til area well concealed. The magic begins, and when you wash your face, it will be much better.
The things that have worked best for me (and I've tried everything besides prescription meds) wash your face twice a day, when you wake up and before you go to bed, use an all natural soap such as oatmeal, witch hazel or tea tree. After washing your face rub your face with a cotton ball soaked in braggs organic apple cider vinager. Once that's dry follow up with rubbing your face with another cotton ball soaked in witch hazel. Once you've soothed your skin with the witch hazel lather the problem areas with organic coconut oil. If you need to cover your face with make up , dab the excess off with a clean tissue. The apple cider vinager is used to treat the bacteria, the witch hazel to calm and sooth skin , and the coconut oil also is used as an anti bacterial but also a great moisturizer to soften wounds and scabs. Hope this helps!
Newperspectives calamine lotion treatment! It works I'm tellin ya! I just tried it and after 2 days and 4 applications.... The wound is significantly better and healing quite quickly !
@kit what type of laser treatments did you do, and did they work? Thanks!!
@kit what type of laser treatments did you do, and did they work? Thanks!!