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AngelaHartlin , 18 Jun 2013


Hello everyone! First, I'd like to thank David for mentioning me in his blog a number of times and directing you all over to my website My name is my username, Angela Hartlin, and I am the author of "FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary" and am in the documentary "Scars of Shame". What prompted me to finally join after all these years is a need to spread the word about an organization in the works for people who compulsively pick their skin or pull out their hair- the Canadian BFRB Support Network (CBSN). It will be the 2nd non-profit organization in the world dedicated to providing support to those of us with Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors and parents/ partners of sufferers. We are allies with the Trichotillomania Learning Center and they have been a huge help in supporting our efforts. You can become involved by joining CBSN via the links below. With such little resources available worldwide, don't hesitate to join if you're not Canadian! We would love to see you join us to bring pickers and pullers worldwide together so we can grow the BFRB community stronger, thus reducing stigma and educating the masses about us. Thank you! xox <3 Angie
1 Answer
June 18, 2013
Hmmm... I guess there isn't paragraph styling for this forum? I'll repost to make it more esthetically pleasing and easy to follow along: Hello everyone! First, I'd like to thank David for mentioning me in his blog a number of times and directing you all over to my website My name is my username, Angela Hartlin, and I am the author of "FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary" and am in the documentary "Scars of Shame". What prompted me to finally join after all these years is a need to spread the word about an organization in the works for people who compulsively pick their skin or pull out their hair- the Canadian BFRB Support Network (CBSN). It will be the 2nd non-profit organization in the world dedicated to providing support to those of us with Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors and parents/ partners of sufferers. We are allies with the Trichotillomania Learning Center and they have been a huge help in supporting our efforts. You can become involved by joining CBSN via the links below. With such little resources available worldwide, don't hesitate to join if you're not Canadian! We would love to see you join us to bring pickers and pullers worldwide together so we can grow the BFRB community stronger, thus reducing stigma and educating the masses about us. Thank you! xox <3 Angie

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