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Support buddy
Hey guys (and gals),
I'm 23 years old and I've been struggling with skin picking and anxiety for a while now. I'd say I started skin picking when i was 13, so this marks one decade of self-destruction. I was on a good kick for a while - managed to clear 95% of my skin up before my sister's wedding, but I've had a major relapse. Since I'm bearing all here and exposing myself, I guess it's important to mention that the reason my skin picking has escalated so much (and I say "escalate" because I do believe that this would have developed no matter what, but it is worse than it normally is) is because I have had extreme anxiety ever since I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2011.
That being said, I KNOW I can beat this. If I can survive a brain tumor then I WILl overcome this...with some help. I'd like to try having a "buddy" that will make a pact with me to go cold turkey. I'd like to set up goals (numerous ones) and a reward system when we meet those goals.
If there is anything I've learned over the past two years, it's that support is the best thing for overcoming hard times. Of course, I'm too embarrassed to do this with any of my friends (and I don't think they have this issue).
Would anyone want to be my "buddy"? We can exchange emails and set up a reward system. I think this could really be the key for me. I need to do this with someone else who finds it as difficult as I do.
I'm new here, so I'm not sure how this works, but I guess ill check back here to see if anyone has replied.
Thanks for reading!
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