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That's it, I'm gona stop
Basically I'm pissed off at this stage, I've been picking so long that it just has to fucking stop.
The reasons why
1) Not having the sensation of raw skin or open sores on my face would be nice
2) It wastes so much time - just did a quick estimation, assuming I picked every day for the last 16 years for 1hr I have picked for a total of 5840 hrs which is 243 days ... thats actually shocking ... basically two thirds of a year haha I can definatley think of better ways I could have spent that time
3) Changing my head space is 100% necessary, its not fair on those around me specifically my beyond amazing boyfriend who I sometimes, to my shame, manage to unwittingly bring down with me when I'm having a bad day - as much as I don't like to look at it this way that's just fucking selfish. Its not gona change over night but I have to learn to have no mercy and make myself plough on through the tough days. My boyfriend said to me yesterday 'happiness is much harder work than sadness' - and I like to avoid hard work as much as possible, that changes from now!
4) For some reason no matter what I achieve in life, the fact that I have not managed to over come this diminishes everything to the point of insignificance. As a mark of respect to everything I've done so far and as a springboard to future battles and successes I will over come this.
5) This forum needs a topic that shows someone has been successful. I think those that have over come their own picking just stop posting on the forum. Obviously that's understandable and useful as everyone's posts are when in the midst of the struggle it would be even more encouraging to read a success story and know it is in fact possible and that we wont perpetually be in this cycle of self destruction.
Comments are more than welcome, god knows I need your support guys! And feel free to join me. Not gona lie, I don't feel up to the task as its never worked before but fuck it one of the times I throw this dice its got to land on 6 ;)
I've picked everyday this week but tomorrow WILL be a pick free day
In reply to Yes it will. And I have also by rubberducke
In reply to So for 2 of the last three by Rosa