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My first post
I'm 65... had a problem with picking my whole life, but this past 3-4 years it has been extreme. I have a 2 sores on my chin right next to my lip that are open wounds right now, both about 1/4 inch square, I'll get them almost healed up, and then they'll start to curl on the edges, and I start to pick... then here we go again. I'm allergic to Neosporin, and I go to bed most every night with some combination of Biafine, Mupirocin, Aloe, Vaseline, and bandages, but I just can't seem to get the vicious cycle of almost healed to picking to bloody to open wound to be over. I read in the forum that Calamine lotion is a good treatment, so I'm going to try that next.
I'm so glad I found this forum, because this isn't something I can really talk to my family about. They all know because they aren't blind, but they think I should just STOP the picking. They just don't understand. I'm so tired of being embarassed to go out in public and be continually worried that my makeup is going to wear away in that spot when I eat, or if I laugh too much, the wound will split open. I'm going to try hard to pay attention to what's on my mind when I start picking to see if I can figure what's driving me to do it. I just know I need help.
In reply to Hi there! I am sorry to by MysteriousSunshine