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kimber , 13 Oct 2013

just want it to stop

Been picking since I was little. I just want it to stop. Found out that I have skin sensitive dermatitis, and an allergy to the plants in the garden. And when I itch I pick. I also pick at scabs, irregularities and well you name it I pick at it. I also chew and pick the skin around my nails. Don' t want to do it anymore. My family and friends try to help by telling me to quit or keeping my hands busy. I want to be a writer so I do not have to worry about the public work force. I tried to get disability but I was not I'll enough. Was their conclusion. So I gave up that approach. I am lucky to have an extremely (itch itch pick) nice boss at the hotel I work part time at. I need an online free (totally) treatment to help me. Help me please.

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