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Raeina , 31 Aug 2014

A Daily Blog For Healing (30 day challenge)

I have been picking at my face since I was 13 years old and first started getting acne. I am now 23 and skin picking is destroying my life. My self confidence, stress management, and social anxiety are at an all time low. I want to start the 30 day challenge to stop my skin picking! I am going to document my urges, tendencies I notice, and methods that I am using, to try to accomplish this goal, each day. I know this challenge isn't going to be easy, but I hope that the support and encouragement here will help me to stop my skin picking (and may help someone else too!) The rules of the 30 day challenge: 1) The 30 day challenge doesn't end if I relapse. So, if I do end up picking the challenge doesn't stop. I have to document my picking and keep working towards my goal, being especially aware of what caused the relapse. 2) The goal is to not pick all together. This means that even picking one spot would be considered as a picking session. 3) Daily documentation of urges, thought patterns, techniques, and possible relapses is mandatory to complete the challenge successfully! Alright, so now I am going to post what I have been doing so far to help stop my skin picking: 1) All mirrors are covered up in my home with a beautiful lace fabric lol! 2) Daily affirmations. 3) A rubber band for my wrist to snap when I start skin picking or thinking about picking! 4) A support system (people I can text/call when I have an urge to pick: my mom and boyfriend). 5) Alternatives to picking: weed in my garden, do ten jumping jacks, drink water/eat something healthy, sing a ridiculous tune like little bunny foo foo (mainly because it says picking in it lol), or write about it! Now I am going to detail my format for my daily posts. This entire challenge is customized to fit my needs and is just an idea of how to go about it. You can use the guidelines I've set up, or make your own! Day One - August 31, 2014 Last time picked: last night/this morning at 12:30 AM (1 hour session) Spots picked: around my temples, chin, forehead, nose, and right cheek. Thoughts while picking: "I am a terrible person." "Stop, stop, stop." "Just one more and then you'll stop." "1, 2, 3 stop!" "Your face is going to look horrible tomorrow." Thoughts after picking: "I hate myself." "I'm going to wake up in the morning to a mutilated face." "My is ruined, before it's even started." Warning signs: I was driving home in my car and had an urge to pick. I told myself that I was at risk for picking when I got home and needed to be careful. I started touching some spots on my face while driving. I went home and sat down right in front of my mirror and began picking. Aversion plan for next time: If I am driving and have thoughts of picking, I will not go straight upstairs to my bedroom. I will make sure to sit on the couch and wind down before going upstairs. Types of pimples: blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne. Things I worry about: scars not healing/fading (I always end up picking before my face heals. I feel like I'm scared to see how much damage over actually caused). Products I used: Aveda Gentile Foaming Cleanser, Calamine Lotion, Witch Hazel, and Aveda Tourmaline Moisturizer. Current stressors: work, school, relationship, the future, fear of failure. Things I am proud of: starting this challenge. Until tomorrow then! Good luck everyone!
39 Answers
September 10, 2014
Day ten: September 9, 2014. Spots picked: none! Woot! Alright it seems that I am back on track today. I woke up and put makeup on my face immediately. Here I am, 6:00 AM. I didn't even wash my face and I just went for it! It's great! I spent very little time obsessing over my face at all today. I couldn't see the spots, so I didn't think about them...out of sight out of mind I guess :) I didn't even have to hide my makeup mirror, which is a plus! I'm going to take off my makeup and try out the same routine tomorrow. Quick wake up, throw some makeup on and head to the gym! Wish me luck. I'm going to try to set a more positive tone for myself too. All this negative self talk isn't getting me anywhere. I'm happy to have the support here and the outlet to express myself without the fear of being judged. That's a wonderful thing!
September 11, 2014

In reply to by Raeina

Woot woot! WAY TO GO RAEINA!!!!! You took a stand and avoided what you know triggers you. I've had to do that before, even if it meant going to bed without washing my face sometimes just so I wouldn't be tempted. It will take time to heal, but you are one day closer to beautiful clear skin! And perfection isn't necessary for beauty. I heard the song "Show me beneath your perfect" or something like that, and it made me think of how we should also love ourselves when we are not perfect. God does!
September 11, 2014
Day Eleven: Wednesday, September 10th. Spots picked: a cyst on my cheek, some blackheads in my forehead, and some pimples on my chin. Tonight I had a setback. I came home, went straight upstairs after a stressful day, washed my makeup off, and picked. I was on autopilot. I am going to try something different tonight though. Instead of beating down on myself and being upset, I am going to look at tonight as a small setback to help send me forward. I made a mistake. It's ok. The only one who can stop picking is myself. To do this, I need to love and accept myself as I am. To have compassion for myself. To look at this as an opportunity to grow. Tomorrow I am going to focus on being aware and conscious of my actions. I am going to set my mind to doing as much as possible and thinking as little as possible. The only way I was able to stop myself from picking tonight was when I looked down at my hands and took a deep breath. I really focused on them and then, when I had the instinct to draw my hands back to my face I did, but slowly. I wasn't on autopilot anymore. So I stopped, went to the bathroom to wash my face again, and here I am. I choose to love and accept me.
September 12, 2014
Day Twelve: September 11, 2014. Spots picked: a few pimples on my face. I picked a bit at night. Nothing huge, about five spots but it's still picking. I'm being more forgiving of myself though. My face has almost completely cleared up with the Acnomel. It sure makes not picking much easier! I feel more confident :)
September 15, 2014

In reply to by Raeina

Good job forgiving yourself. That's huge. I'm glad the Acnomel is helping you! Looking forward to another update...we are about halfway through the 30 day challenge!
September 15, 2014
Day thirteen and day fourteen: September 13 and 14th. Spots picked: forehead, cheeks and chin. The Acnomel is really dry out out my skin, which is both a good and a bad thing. I think I am going to do a calamine mask tomorrow to help with the healing process. I'm once again very tired of all of this. I am feeling a bit hopeless, like I'll never be able to stop picking. I know this isn't true. I just have to try harder to stop. I just have to try harder to be better. I am worn out, tired. I feel like this is draining all of my energy from me. I'm ready to regain myself. I'm ready to find myself. I'm ready to figure out what I am capable of, who I really am. The strength that is inside of me that wants to keep fighting and not give up. The polarities of my will are fighting against one another and tonight I truly feel like a war is waging in my mind. This post has turned so abstract. I just want my power back. I want to stop.
September 16, 2014

In reply to by Raeina

There is always hope, it is never too late. We have setbacks, but then we get up again. Here's a song by Toby Mac: and another by Superchick: Yes, we do have to try, but I also believe there is more going on than willpower. We need support, maybe counseling, maybe medications? At least you are here making an effort now instead of waiting another 10 years! Lets help each other get through this. We have to be realistic about this...something that we have been doing for so long is not going to stop overnight, and probably neither in 30 days. But if we can pick a little less and a little less each year or month or day, eventually the habit will wear off. It's unfortunate that we "pick on ourselves" on the inside as much as we pick on the outside...practice being kind to yourself on the inside and perhaps that will help you to be kind to yourself on the outside. I need that reminder too! I have to remind myself often that if God forgives me in an instant, who am I to not forgive myself?
September 15, 2014
Day fifteen. Spots picked, chin, forehead, and cheeks. I have to be honest. I almost gave up there for a second. I'm still here and still forgiving myself, but it hasn't been easy. I can't post anymore tonight, depressed and upset at myself. Tomorrow I'll check in. I'm sorry :(
September 16, 2014

In reply to by Raeina

You can do this Raeina! It will be worth all of this hard work one day! I had a bad night today spending hours in front of my mirror, but i cant forget tomorrow is a new day and its right around the corner!
September 17, 2014
Day sixteen and seventeen. Spots picked: none on day sixteen, but a one hour session on day seventeen. I picked and picked and picked tonight. I was doing so well and was looking airwaves to posting a great post too, about how well I did yesterday. I got really stressed out though today because of school and couldn't help myself. I say in front of the mirror and picked at anything I could get ahold of. It's hard because it's like a reward based issue. It feels good to pick! The stress goes away, my mind runs free and I am able to forget about the world for a while. However, the torture that I give myself after I pick is horrible. I'm tired of it all. So so tired. I'm going to try doing sitting sessions in front of my mirror for 20 minutes a day. No picking, just sitting. It's worth a try!! Every step I take to try to better myself is a step in the right direction. I'll let you know how it goes!
September 19, 2014
Day eighteen and nineteen: spots picked - a few on my chin the past few days. I have been getting better at not touching the rest of my face, but my chin has been annoying me. I have four cystic pimples crowded on my chin and I just keep picking at them at night. I've gotten really good at night picking during the day, but at night I haven't broken the habit. These next two nights my boyfriend is staying over, so I probably won't pick then. I am getting better bit by bit. Trying to stay present and be positive :) until next time.
September 20, 2014
Day twenty, September 20. Spots picked: a few on my chin. I'm still picking at my chin. The Acnomel isn't helping anymore and has really dried out my face. I'm probably going to stop using it altogether. I bought a swimsuit and am going to start swimming at the gym. I think that the chlorine will help my face too. I had a great day today with friends! My boyfriend is coming over in a minute, so I gotta jet. Honestly, the thing that has helped me the most so far has been working out. However, I haven't worked out in a few days so I need to get back into it. Good luck everyone! This disease is so hard, but my face is finally starting to clear up! I have very few spots on the rest of my face, so that's a plus!
September 22, 2014
Day 21: September 21st. Ok, so I picked at spots on my forehead and chin tonight. A lot of them. I put the Acnomel on, but I'm really afraid that my skin isn't going to heal up this time. I picked really badly because I am stressed about school. I am trying really hard to stop, but I can't seem to keep my mind frame right. I am always trying to fix or avoid something. This is all in my head and I know it, so I've got to stop. Going to go to sleep and work on not stressing out tonight. Really, I am my own worst enemy.
September 22, 2014

In reply to by Raeina

Don't give up! Don't give up! Don't give up! You are doing a great job! Don't punish yourself or stress yourself out about not achieving your goal in the first attempt. Two steps forward and one step back is still a step forward. 30 days is a very big goal.. If you achieve one or two days without picking, you are already progressing.. A lot! Keep on doing it. It's worth it. But try not to let this challenge become another source of stress to you.. you know what stress does to us an these mean spots. I will go now and try not to pick my face tonight and then together we had a picking-free day. Me thanks to you and your blog and you because this is also your success. You keep me motivated. Stay strong.
October 14, 2014

Raeina, how are you getting on? Do you want to start a new challenge with me? I have tried to start challenges in the past and in February did a full 4 weeks but then lapsed. I was wondering if you wanted to try maybe doing 5 days and then build on that to do more. We could share what happens if we pick but have the overall aim not to. ?

October 21, 2014

In reply to by Rose808

Hello Rose. I would love to start a new challenge with you! I am sorry it took me so long to get back to you. 5 days seems like a perfect amount of time. We could start a collaborative forum if you would like?

November 07, 2014

In reply to by Raeina

Hey Raeina, Sorry for the delay, it wouldn't let me post, but I managed to start a new thread.. It's called collaborative challenge. I managed not to pick my face for 15 days but i've still been picking ingrown hairs. So I am starting again today with a new all over challenge. Check the new thread and join in if you want!

November 07, 2014

Hey Raeina, Sorry for the delay, it wouldn't let me post, but I managed to start a new thread.. It's called collaborative challenge. I managed not to pick my face for 15 days but i've still been picking ingrown hairs. So I am starting again today with a new all over challenge. Check the new thread and join in if you want!

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