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fhhj123 , 02 Sep 2014

Cumpulsive chewing of my fingers

I have suffered from chewing the skin on my fingers for as long as I can remember. I am now 22 years old and want nothing more than to break this terrible habit. I know that it stems from my anxiety. It almost seems to be something that "calms" my racing thoughts or stress. It sounds so weird but its something that is almost embedded into my mind. I have posted pictures of my fingers as I figured this is a safe place to share. Please if anyone has anyone advice I would so appreciate it. I am so embarrassed my disorder and just want to have normal looking fingers. Thank you , Fallon
1 Answer
September 02, 2014
I have issues with my fingers too. I think managing anxiety is the key...can you journal or talk it through with someone? Counseling would be a great help. You could put on lotion and then wear cotton gloves so you can't chew them. Try to identify if the issue you are worried about is in or out of your control. Let go the things that are out of your control. Do your part in the situation, then let it go. We can't control other people's thoughts or feelings or decisions. But we can be an example. I read a quote today by Thoreau..."Every man is the builder of a temple called his body." We have been blessed with hands and fingers and skin, lets appreciate them instead of tear them apart. Perhaps take a walk or do something else physical to burn off pent up energy.

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