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Diary of a Dermatillomaniac day 2&3
Day 2
Today was good. I was feeling really in control because of this 'reaching out' strategy. I started 'scanning' (where your hands roam all over your skin looking for spots to pick) this afternoon in the car managed to stop each time I relaized what I was doing. My hands just seem to do it of their own accord, and its a few moments before my brain catches up with them and I know that I'm doing it. Then it gets to the point when I can either force myself to stop or just choose to do it. I usually choose the latter when I'm particualarly stressed or think, "I'll just do 2 or 3" Inevitably this leads to a massive picking session.
I'm feeling really positive about this strategy and I think this is the one that will beat it. I've got a few strategies to deal with THE URGE:
1. Be super-aware of my hands at all times
2. Do Tai Chi and Meditation every morning
3. If I feel the urge coming on:
-do something with my hands (practise guitar, garden)
-get out and do something, change mindset (go for walk, do shopping etc)
-call someone and talk about it
4. Exfoliate and moisturise each day so skin heals and becomes healthier
5. Celebrate successes
Day 3
Today was pretty easy. I still haven't had the urge as bad as I usually get it, although Day 4 is the one to watch out for. I've decided that if any pimples really need popping, I'll do it in the mornings when I'm more in control. I'm less likely to get sucked into a big session in the mornings. Otherwise I avoid the mirror.
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