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Never knew Dermatillomania existed...any tips and advice please?!
I am literally obsessed with picking...usually my face, but often do my lips and chest as well. It gets worse with a flare up of spots. I find that I have the uncontrollable urge and desire to get rid of all the dirt and impurities that are clogging up my pores - I start with spots with visible heads but then I move on to tiny blackheads and then I seem to find spots that don't even exist. I don't seem to stop until I have picked and squeezed at every possible area on my face (almost as if I can't stop until I have 'finished' my whole face). Although I feel satisfaction at the time, I do know that I will regret it afterwards. It doesn't seem to stop me though and once I've started I kinda think "oh well I've started now I might as well do it all". It doesn't matter how many times I tell myself I will never do it again and that this will be the last time, if I get the urge and look in a mirror it happens all over again. My boyfriend and mum do not get it at all. It is making me feel so rubbish about myself and I often avoid going out or making an effort because I feel so ugly. Would love to know what people do to try and stop these urges!! Any tips and advice would be really appreciated.
Wow, so much of what you said is exactly what I feel. I've been picking mainly my face for 7 years......mostly the same spot, but also different areas. The thing is, I stop long enough for it to heal but of course then I start again. About a month ago I started using Aquaphor to help heal the area I've picked and I think this is the first thing, of a lllllll the products that I've tried, that is actually helping. It's helping HEAL though, I have still picked so I'm still working on how to stop picking, but I've tried many many things to put over the wound after a terrible picking session and you know that feeling you get when you just feel like an ugly monster........well at least Aquaphor helps. It's a healing ointment, it's almost like a mix of neosporin and vaseline. But both neosporin and vaseline have caused breakouts on my skin which for a picker is the absolute worst! So at least give it a try, maybe seeing your skin heal will help to stop picking......I know it's not easy, trust me I'm still working on it. :)