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Excoriation (Skin-Picking) Disorder Study - Participants Needed
Have you been diagnosed with Excoriation (Skin-Picking) Disorder? Have you received treatment for this diagnosis?
If you have Excoriation Disorder, have participated in psychological or medical treatment for this diagnosis, and are 18 or older…
I am conducting a study to understand the treatment experiences of individuals with Excoriation Disorder. The study consists of an in-person or Skype interview that will take approximately 60 minutes. The results will hopefully expand on previous research findings to establish best practice guidelines for treatment for Excoriation Disorder. This study is being conducted as part of my dissertation.
To inquire about participation, please contact Krista at
Please contact the following individuals with any other questions or concerns:
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Seema Saigal,
IRB Co-Chair: Dr. Lyuba Bobova,
*If you are experiencing any emotional distress you are encouraged to visit to find a trained mental health professional in your area.
Sign me up...I'm the perfect candidate to study. As screwed up as they get and very willing to describe my highly degenerated state of mind. :)
If you would like to participate, feel free to send me an email! As long as you have participated in some type of treatment for skin-picking behaviors and are over the age of 18, I would be happy to have you complete the study! My email is Thanks for responding and I look forward to hearing from you!
Do you accept people with a history of temporarily taking anti-psychotics for an irrelevant diagnosis which at the time helped eliminate skin picking behavior??? Or is that too much stigma for your studies? Are you looking for "sunshine and butterflies to heal my soul" bs? Because that does not work with this condition.
I am looking for anyone who meets the two criteria listed above! If the treatment wasn't directly targeting skin picking behavior, but helped alleviate it, then I would be happy to chat about your treatment experience. We could also talk via email to clarify eligibility to participate! I am happy to include people who have had diverse experiences with treatment for skin picking behaviors.