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iToo , 21 Feb 2019

Try this, might help

I registered because I wanted to share something that really helped me... I went to the hardware store to find the FINEST sandpaper that I could get. My plan was to use it as a method of ‘shaving’ my legs, whilst exfolating scarred skin. What i found was that if i had a scab that was a temptation for picking, it actually smoothed the scab in line with my skin, which eliminated the temptation to pick. I used the sandpaper with very little pressure as to not damage the skin further. Only been doing this for 2 weeks now, but hope it will also reduce scarring in the long term.

1 Answer
February 24, 2019

It shouldn't reduce scarring because the scab is only dried blood that is acting was a bandaid to protect that area. But AMAZING idea, never thought to do that! Will definitely give it a try, thanks for sharing :) Good luck!!

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