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amyirk , 11 May 2019

17F- I pick my nose and eat it, and I eat whatever I can get out of my blackheads and whiteheads too

I’m a seventeen year-old girl, and I have been picking my nose and eating it since I can remember. When I was younger my parents knew I did it and encouraged me to stop (I was never stealthy about it back then), but I never managed to kick it. I’m really ashamed about this, and I have never told ANYBODY. I am petrified of people finding out, but... I don’t really want to stop. I love the feeling of clearing my nose out (I don’t understand how people who don’t pick their noses ever feel comfortable?) and I love the taste of my mucus/boogers. I feel disgusting typing this, but reading the other posts on this forum has encouraged me. Should I stop? I’m pretty sure it’s not harmful to me (if anything it’s beneficial I think), but I’m so ashamed of it. Besides this issue, I also compulsively pick at bumps on my face and back/shoulders. I often pick at my face until it bleeds if there are any kind of bumps, and I will spend up to 40 mins a day trying to get at imaginary whiteheads with my extractor. I do the same with my shoulders- I go rabidly at any blackhead that pops up. Much like my nose picking, I also eat anything that comes out of these clogged pores. I don’t eat the yellowish pus that comes out of true pimples (which I don’t actually get very often), but if it’s white or solid I feel compelled to eat it. Is it unhealthy for me? Should I stop these things? I honestly just felt good writing this and knowing that there was a place I could go anonymously to share my problems.

4 Answers
Polly marcum
June 10, 2019

Hi, I have and sometimes do wat booger’s as well, but only the hard ones. But I always eat my black heads! Just the hard ones. I try to bite in halves in my mouth until there is nothing left. Drives me crazy but I just feel so satisfied when I’ do it

Polly marcum
June 10, 2019

Hi, I have and sometimes do wat booger’s as well, but only the hard ones. But I always eat my black heads! Just the hard ones. I try to bite in halves in my mouth until there is nothing left. Drives me crazy but I just feel so satisfied when I’ do it

July 26, 2019

I pick my nose obsessively and I've sometimes eaten my boogers. I pick things on my skin as well but I don't eat anything other than my boogers. I've done this since I was very young. It wasn't an issue until after my second military tour overseas in 2012. Desert boogers are massive and it started getting so much worse. I convinced myself that I was "cleaning" out my nose but I can tell you that this can get out of hand. I'm at that point, I've been at that point for about a year now. I know I need to seek professional help with the compulsive behavior because it has self-mutilation. The nose bleeds are starting to get out of control and scary and I no longer have a nasal septum. While it's not an issue now, my advice is to get it under control before you end up in my position. I'm terrified of what I've done to myself and I'm even more terrified of will happen if I don't get help. How does one go to a stranger and admit to this though? I'm so scared. Suggestions for me?

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