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Do you have to do this weird compulsion too?
So I pick my scalp and face, but mostly my scalp. I find that when I pick I can't just throw throw the scab I've extracted away until I've inspected it vigorously with my eyes. I get a feeling of exhilaration when I pick a big scab and I sometimes hold it up to the light to see all of the textures and grossness it's composed of. This usually disgusts me to the point where I have to rip the big scab into small pieces before I can throw it away. When I'm examining my extracted scabs my mind is usually thinking "how could something this gross be on my body?" Am I the only one this involved with their scabs?
No, you're not alone. I like looking at scabs too, they have a weird kind of beauty in an artistic way. I especially love looking at the hair follicles I pull out of my chest too, and the gunk I squeeze out of pores. I even take photos of all these things so I can zoom in and see what they look like close up. I am a big fan of Dr Pimple Popper, and really enjoy watching her pull cysts out of the skin, blackheads, and dilated pores of Winer.