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Skin Picking
I am new here. I was randomly searching the web for info on my "condition" as my husband calls it. I am 36 and I pick and tear at the skin at the bottom of my feet til they bleed, or til i cant walk, and i have been for a few years now. I used to bite my nails as a teenager but i broke that habit. Ive been told it was caused by stress but everything i do to relax doesn't seem to work. I am on medicine to help my OCD and Depression. I wear socks to help and my daughter will try to catch me and stop me as well..
Any ideas or pointers would be welcome...
July 14, 2009
I just learned tonight that this was actually a sort of mental illness. I pick the bottoms of my feet too and even wearing socks never helps. I actually masking taped socks to my feet once, which still didn't help. Even though I can't offer any advice, at least you can know that you're not alone.
I'm still in shock over learning that what I do isn't just a wierd little habit!
July 19, 2009
I hope you will try a therapist. You dont deserve to live like that. None of us do.