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I am ready to STOP THIS!!!!
I have decided today to attempt to stop picking at my perceived acne on my face and arms. My urge to pick is very strong and occurs while watching tv, in the bathroom, in front of mirrors, and lately, in the car while waiting at red lights. I just recovered from a serious skin infection caused by squeezing and picking at my skin. I am already taking 20 mg of Paxil each day and have been on antidepressants for years. I have been out of an emotionally abusive relationship for about nine months now. My job is still a source of great stress, but have reduced the number of days I work. I do not use make up or attempt to hide my scars. I have lately stepped up my efforts by adding the use of needles and fingernail clippers to dig out juicy pimples. I run my fingers over my skin to feel for bump that can't even be seen by the naked eye, so I can pick them too. I need help and would appreciate any suggestions anyone could give. I am one hour and thirty minutes into my attempt and am fighting almost constant severe urges of itching and wanting to scratch and pick. PLEASE HELP ASAP OR GIVE SUGGESTIONS! I am going to go cut off my fingernails now, but will be hoping for replies!!!
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