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Tried it ALL-Nothing has helped-Now What?!
I'm a highly educated college professor, own my house, but I'm a complete failure!
Late for classes, sick days taken, no show at parties and family functions, no friends--(its easier this way), many excuses to hide my dirty secret.
Did it my whole life, meds actually made it so much worse (but helped my depression, ironically), did psychotherapy-2 therapists/once a week for 2 yrs., inositol, alternate stim.,and everything else that has been suggested.
I've become a master cover-up artist (not proud), but it seems the damage is getting harder to heal as I get older (almost 40). I've distroyed my face and body.
Seriously, now what? Get strapped down with a straight jacket?
Please tell me someone has another idea on how to stop.
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