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I want to stop picking!!!
Skin picking realy does feel like it ruins your life. I try to stop but always feel an urge to pick. I have read some of the comments on here and it is so strange but comforting to know someone else is going through the same things I am. My husband always says he wants to throw away my little mirrors and cover up the big ones in the house, and I saw another post with the same thing written! I guess it just goes to show you that it is a trigger in the mind gone haywire that happens to alot of people that drives them to pick. I am tired of making exscuses why I can't go do things so I can hide my picking from people. I can't work because of picking and my social life is lacking now. I feel it controls my life and Hate having this skin picking disorder. Now I just want to get better but it is so hard. I feel like picking at my skin is a drug and I am addicted. I feel sad after I pick but continue to do it? I am going to try starting today to be sober from picking....We will see how it goes! So to all the other pickers out there I wish you the best luck to get better!
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