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Just wanted to introduce myself
Hello Everyone,
I'm new to this forum, its the first forum on skin picking that I've actually decided to join. This site seems amazing and I can't wait to receive my copy of David's book. I'm seeking encouragement and tips, and hoping that I can do the same in return. I'm eighteen now and have been dealing with this since I was thirteen. I'm proud to say I'm much better, my face used to to just ooze clear liquid because I had picked and digged to the point that there was no blood left. In many ways, I'm thankful that I'm as healthy as I am, knowing how prone I must've brought myself to infections and skin cancer at times. Life, I have learned, goes on, and I find myself living in phases, I get a couple of weeks when my skin looks really good (of course with makeup that is) and then there are those relapses that bring me through those weeks where the imperfections are peeping out through the layers of covergirl. I've learned to live with this problem and I've ranaway from an abusive home, I now attend culinary school and am currently at an internship at an amazing restaraunt. I've been awarded scholarships, some of which I'll be spending on Rosetta Stone to learn French. In three years, I plan to be in The French Alpes studying the cuisine of France. The one thing I've managed to do, is keep going, keep accomplishing and going after dreams, and one day, one day I truly believe I'll accomplish this disease.
March 23, 2010
welcome!! and congratulations on all your achievements, especially getting a good handle on battling with your compulsion. all you've done for yourself so far is sure to help conquer it once and for all. it's great to hear from individuals making progress and sharing experiences, knowledge and tactics. you'll be an inspiration for sure. i hope the information you find in the book and on this site and everywhere you've found it will help prevent your next relapse from happening at all. power to you with this and with the bright future you're also working on. i believe you have the determination to make it all happen !!